01767 449 212 07385 256 040 Hampshire, England
01767 449 212 07385 256 040 Hampshire, England

About Us

Improving lives today and tomorrow

We are there for you through and through

What makes us different

Optimum Care Solutions Limited is a provider of excellent care and support.

We respect the dignity and self-worth of all of our service users, strive to deliver excellent quality care at all times. We are providers of excellent care and value for individuals in their own homes. Our staff are skilled, competent, caring, and well-trained. We are responsive to the needs of our service users, their families, and the communities we serve. We are driven by quality and value and this is reflected throughout the service delivery and experience of individuals in our care. It is our firm belief that achieving our objectives as an organization can only be a result of the quality of our interface with the individuals who depend on our service.

To do this, we strive to:

  • Understand our clients’ needs,
  • Promote the best care value,
  • Train and motivate our care staff, to be sensitive and responsive to the needs of our services.

Our Principles

Focus on service users and their needs. We provide a high standard of personal care, support and promote positive outcomes for our service users.

  • Striving for continual improvement. We review our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully achieving our stated aims and objectives. We welcome feedback from our service users and their friends and relatives.
  • Our service users are at the centre of our operations. We provide tailored individualised care for each service user. Adopting a multi-professional approach in working with other services and professionals to help maximise each service users experience and independence.
  • Meeting assessed needs of individuals in our care. Service users’ needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed prior to offering our input. We ensure that the care we provide meets assessed needs of each service user. Reviews are undertaken frequently, and adjustments made where changes have been identified.
  • Providing the highest quality service possible. We are committed to providing excellent services and continually improve through internal reviews and adopting innovative evidence-based practices.
  • We employ a quality workforce to meet the needs of our service users.
  • We have clear policies and procedures in place which are reviewed regularly and updated as appropriate to meet any changes or developments in need or standards
  • We have robust supervision structures and review skills and competencies of our staff to meet any developments or changes in the needs of our service users.


clients' needs


the best care value

Train & motivate

our staff

Call today. We are here to help